Dreamy Chocolate Cake On Halloween

Hello, Internet!

How are you doing today? I know, I know. It’s Tuesday. We’re all really upset by that fact.

(Everyone except those lucky ones of you who’s got a break from school and/or have a few days free over the same period of time. That is, Halloween.)

Happy Halloween!

What are you doing to celebrate? Are you even celebrating? If you are, I hope you’re having the best time. I’m just going to assume that everyone’s celebrating Halloween for now.

I’m going to celebrate it too, actually. With a duvet cover in the sofa and me under it. Perhaps, if I’m feeling like it, I’ll even have a cup of tea and watch a movie. Yeah, that’s the kind of wildcat I am.

I think you’re doing the right thing, celebrating and dancing through the night like that, but I just need to interrupt you to share this amazing, dreamy chocolate cake we had for Felicia’s birthday. I mean… LOOK AT IT. Freakin delicious.



If I could just try to describe it, it was like a creamy chocolate cake but not that creamy at all. Does it make any sense?

No. I didn’t think so.

You know chocolate mud cakes, yes? It was like a fluffy yet pretty thick version of that. And then, of course and as you can see, a dreamy coat of sticky, chocolate (actual) cream on top. And then this very talented brilliant baker had also put hard chocolate around it and in decorative lines on top of it. I mean… What’s not to love?

Completely lactose-free as well. Heaven.

As you can imagine, I didn’t have at all as many bites as I should have had. That’s the problem with cakes this stodgy, isn’t it? It doesn’t matter how much you want it, it just won’t go down your throat after a while.

Oh well, lucky me we saved a lot of the cake for the day after. (Yes. Yes, of course I did. Don’t you worry about that.)

I hope you’re eating something just as delicious tonight. Or having some scary version of… I don’t know… Potatoes?

Boo cool!

Author: Skogsmor

Kartlägger världens mysterier, en textbit i taget. Leker att jag lever. Det mesta blir bättre med ett glas rödpang.

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