Dreamy Chocolate Cake On Halloween

Hello, Internet!

How are you doing today? I know, I know. It’s Tuesday. We’re all really upset by that fact.

(Everyone except those lucky ones of you who’s got a break from school and/or have a few days free over the same period of time. That is, Halloween.)

Happy Halloween!

What are you doing to celebrate? Are you even celebrating? If you are, I hope you’re having the best time. I’m just going to assume that everyone’s celebrating Halloween for now.

I’m going to celebrate it too, actually. With a duvet cover in the sofa and me under it. Perhaps, if I’m feeling like it, I’ll even have a cup of tea and watch a movie. Yeah, that’s the kind of wildcat I am.

I think you’re doing the right thing, celebrating and dancing through the night like that, but I just need to interrupt you to share this amazing, dreamy chocolate cake we had for Felicia’s birthday. I mean… LOOK AT IT. Freakin delicious.



If I could just try to describe it, it was like a creamy chocolate cake but not that creamy at all. Does it make any sense?

No. I didn’t think so.

You know chocolate mud cakes, yes? It was like a fluffy yet pretty thick version of that. And then, of course and as you can see, a dreamy coat of sticky, chocolate (actual) cream on top. And then this very talented brilliant baker had also put hard chocolate around it and in decorative lines on top of it. I mean… What’s not to love?

Completely lactose-free as well. Heaven.

As you can imagine, I didn’t have at all as many bites as I should have had. That’s the problem with cakes this stodgy, isn’t it? It doesn’t matter how much you want it, it just won’t go down your throat after a while.

Oh well, lucky me we saved a lot of the cake for the day after. (Yes. Yes, of course I did. Don’t you worry about that.)

I hope you’re eating something just as delicious tonight. Or having some scary version of… I don’t know… Potatoes?

Boo cool!


Hello, Internet!


How did your week start?

Mine started with an entire playlist of 1930-inspired Halloween music. Like, how can that not be the perfect combination? The 1930s and Halloween. God-given.

So this has been playing in the background while I’ve been working my butt off. I’m telling you, sometimes I surprise myself with how obsessed I become with a task. It’s like nothing else exists. Last night that was all that I could think about – and the night before another task.

It can’t be healthy.

I’ve also made a discovery today: Apparently, if you slice a quorn filet and then fry it in that much butter, it kind of turns into this perfect food. Next time I’ll do the exact same thing but with breading on top. GOD, so good.

This is the good thing about working from home, you can create new strange dishes first before you try them on your girlfriend. Assumed that there’s actual food at home and not just cardboard, of course. Before you ask, yes, this has happened.

This week is filled with fall-things: I’m currently only drinking my coffee with cardamom – if you haven’t tried it: please do – and that’s what I’m planning on doing for the rest of the week. I’m creating more and more stew looking foods, except the lunches which all turn into some sort of creative creation/disaster. And I’m going to run through brightly colored leafs. They make me so happy. As I walked to uni the other day, for italian class, it literally rained leafs on me!

Okay. Unbelievable, I just now spilled a freaking liter tea all over a pile of important documents. A liter liquid! I shouldn’t be allowed to be on an important working space. Desk separate from documents. There, that’s the truth of today.

Now, I seriously need to clean up (literally, clean up) my mess.

Swim cool, Internet!

Happy November! … Or?

Hello Internet, and good morning! Wakey wakey! Or, you know, happy lunch…time…?

Anyho, hello and how are you doing? I hope you had a scary halloween yesterday and that you’re alive and ready for the new month. Only yesterday I realized that I’ve been saying “happy halloween” for the last week when the actual halloween was yesterday. I have so much to learn.

It’s the first of November and it’s literally almost snowing outside my window. Say what!? Today I’m doing my laundry (ahem, unnecessary information?) and because our washhouse is in another building that means that today, I have to confront that weather. That I do with a remarkable amount of layered clothing. It works, even if the first three layers are soaking wet.

I have a love-hate thing going on between me and November. Our relationship has always been… Shall we say, complicated? I love the spooky feeling whilst walking home from uni but I hate feeling that raw chilling cold creeping up my spine and getting in everywhere, regardless of how many layers I’m wearing. Blah!


November is definitely a book-month. You know, the kind of month where the weather practically screams “read a book!” or “stay inside!”. I’d like to say that, after writing this post, I’m going to sit down with a good book and drink loads of tea. But in truth I’m most likely to grab the last of my coffee stash and continue writing some more (in panic) on my thesis. Aaaah, relaxing. 🙈

Sometimes November feels more like a transport distance from A to B where A is fall and B is Christmas. But this year I’m really going to put in some effort in loving November. I’m seriously going to work on our relationship even if November puts up a fight. It’s hard but it’ll work – I hope.


What do you think about November? 👍👎? If the answer is a thumbs down, can’t we all promise each other that we’ll work on feeling some love for November? Poor November, so lonely, so hated, she deserves better.

Okay, I’m gonna end this post now and switch this casual writing for academic writing. Talk to you tomorrow!

A Quick Update

Hello Internet!

Where have I been? What have I done? Why haven’t there been any posts up on Wednesday or Friday? What is going on? Is the world coming to an end?

Well… I’m sorry guys, it’s been a crazy week. Felicia has had her birthday (which explains the picture of the cake), uni has been whipping my butt, and I’ve had no time to sit still and just — breathe. Excuses, excuses, yes I know.

However, they’re all true.

It’s halloween you guys! Halloween! An awesome time of year. Even if you won’t go to a party it’s still a good time of year. Why not snuggle up on the couch with a glass of wine (or similar) and enjoy a good horror movie? Or, as it would have been in my case, a thriller that’s scary enough for this time of year but not too scary. I don’t want to pee in my pants, thanks.

Tomorrow I’ll be back on schedule 👍

A super quick update just to let you know that I haven’t forgotten about you and that I’m still very much alive.

Talk to you tomorrow!

Pumpkin Spice, Hot Chocolate, and Other Important Things | Video

Hello Internet!

It’s Sunday! Gives a cozy feeling, don’t you think?

Like most people I’m all for routines, it gives me a sense of… I’d like to say “calm” but I think the truth is control, hehe. Anyhow, one of those yearly routines that I have is making my own pumpkin spice, going for long walks and drinking hot chocolate. (All good things comes in three, yes?)

And we all know that the most important thing while making hot chocolate is…? Marshmallows of course!

I made a little video about it all (including the marshmallows) which you can watch here or by clicking the inserted video below. It would mean so much to me if you’d want to watch it!

What are your favorite fall things to do? I’m really curious!

Have a lovely Sunday Internet, and I’ll talk to you tomorrow!

4 Favorite Halloween Recipes To Make This Year’s Halloween The Best!

Hello Internet! 👋

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How are you this Friday? Good I hope.

It’s almost Halloween!! A little bit ahead of time, I know… But I’m so excited! Bring out the spider webs, the pumpkins, and all creativity possible! E X C I T E D

Anyho, I’ve found the most amazing recipes ever for making this years Halloween better than any other! I haven’t tried them out myself yet (unfortunately) but in my daydreams it all goes well and they both taste and smell amazing!

Sometimes I feel like the daydream-cookies are so much better than the ones in reality could ever be that I don’t even try to make them… Sad, but true.



First up: these crazy graveyard cupcakes. How. Good. Do. They. Look?! I mean, come on. I know that they’re looking like they have a realistic pile of dirt on them but can’t you imagine how good they’ll taste? I’m going to try them out asap.

Find the recipe for them here.



Next up are the chocolate monster cookies. Aaaaaaw! I can’t decide whether they’re super cute or super weird. Either way, I love them. They seem to be an advanced version of Maryland cookies, you know? Like… Gooey in a good kind of way (isn’t it always in a good way when it comes to cookies??). The crooked teeth, my god ❤️

Learn how to make them here.



Up next… *drumroll* are cake pops! The entire blog is written in Spanish, and I don’t know Spanish, but the cake pops this blogger makes are so amazing that I simply need to share it anyway – if only for the pretty pictures. Check them all out here.



Lastly we have these adorable mummy truffles. Awesomeness. I totally wish I had been the one to come up with this super creative way of making truffles. I’ll definitely make them when we have people over for dinner sometime!

Here’s how you can make them and many, many more wonderful halloween truffles in different monster shapes.

Have a great Friday and I’ll talk to you on Sunday!

Hopefully I’ll have a video up then too 😄