Coffee And Type 1 Diabetes

Hello, Internet!

How are you doing, Internet? Having a good start off the week?

I’ve been trying to pimp my coffee lately. You know, not making it the one and only plane, simple coffee that I always have.

Don’t get me wrong. I love my coffee simple. Nothing more than the actual brew – it’s good. No. It’s more than good. It’s freaking perfect.

But… I’d like to make something more out of my regular coffee (which, as you know, are usually no less than three in the morning and four in the afternoon).


So, the last few days I’ve been creating an amateur cappuccino.

“What does this mean?” you ask, of course.

It means a cappuccino that isn’t at all a professional cappuccino but is tasty.

Here’s how I do it:

  • I skim milk with my little skimming-unit.
  • I let the coffee machine make some of its delicious coffee. Pouring it into the mug.
  • Then, I sprinkle it with cinnamon. Aaaand done!

It’s so good!


Obviously, the best coffees are those done by an actual barista – at least that’s what I think. But it’s a truly great alternative!

Speaking of something completely different: This week is turning into a work/study/writing-monster. Yes, all of them. Don’t get me wrong, I love my work! And I love my writing. And I love to learn a new language (or in my current case: two). But it’s a lot this week.

I’m really looking forward to Friday because Friday is my one year anniversary of type 1 diabetes.

I’m going to celebrate it with champagne and croustades. Big time!

But I guess, it’s more of a celebration of me surviving and less of the actual diagnosis. I’m so damn lucky to be alive. It’s crazy. So damn lucky to be alive.

Anyway, I hope your coffee today is brilliant!

Talk to you tomorrow.

Swim cool.