Sneakily Tasting My Girlfriend’s Cooking

Hello Internet!

How are you doing today?

I’m taking a quick break from my evening work and- oops, wait…

* 3 sec *

~Aaaaah! Felicia just brought me a taste of the shepherd(es)’s pie she’s making. One word: Unbelievable.

She’s just got the gift, that one. She’s just got it. F**king unbelievable. Damn. That woman is a goddess of cooking, I swear. Definitely a keeper.

sheperdess pie

Without the potatoes but aaaaaalmost there.


Speaking of cooking and having a girlfriend – especially one who doesn’t drink any alcohol – do you know what the best thing is? That I get what’s left of the bottle that she didn’t use. It’s amazing because for cooking she always buys really good wines and… Hello, here I am.

Okay, that sounded as if I’m drinking a bottle of wine every day. Well, no. Haha

Anyway, I’ve bought a new pair of running shoes – I’m so excited!! My old shoes have lived their life. I’m sorry (and sad) to say that… They need to die now. Or, more frankly, they have died. Or, to be perfectly honest, they died 6 months ago and I just haven’t had the heart to throw them away. But now, when I have had constant chafes on my feet for over two months in a row, I decided it was time.

And my new shoes, they’re brilliant! Well, I haven’t exactly tried them in the field yet, so to speak, but when I do, oh boy, will you see me float over the roads or what?

I’ll show them to you tomorrow. And if you’re highly uninterested, I’m sorry. I just love to try out new running shoes for the first time – it’s something else.

Now, I’m going to sneakily creep up to the stove and steel a few bits of food behind Felicia’s back. I’ve become super-sneaky over the years, most times she doesn’t even know I’ve been there. Yummy!

Swim cool.

Gingerbread House With A Gardening House Twist

Hello, Internet!

How are you doing today?

The holidays are coming closer, can you feel it?

As you know, Felicia and I made a gingerbread house with a gardening house twist.

I’m very pleased with the outcome (especially considering we didn’t know that it would actually become a gingerbread house).

ginger bread house.jpg

And here’s the synopsis of our gingerbread house making:





gardening house ginger bread.jpg


I hope your Thursday’s been lovely.

Swim cool.

Swedish Brownie With Christmas Fluff

Hello, Internet!

How are you doing this wonderful, (almost) last Saturday before Christmas?

We’re having a friend over for dinner in the next 55 minutes, or so. Therefore, we’re creating, possibly baking, something that’s supposed to simulate a dessert.


The aim is to create a Swedish brownie with whipped Swedish Christmas candy. A super fluffy topping is the plan. It’s not at all as complicated as it sounds (I hope). Because the original recipe is in Swedish I thought I’d translate it for you.

Ingredients for Swedish brownie

150 g of butter

3 eggs

2 dl sugar

2 dl wheat flour (or any flour, if you’d like to make it gluten-free, as I did, with buckwheat flour and rice flour)

4 tablespoon of cacao

1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar (preferably the bourbon kind because it makes the taste a little bit more burnt, if you know what I mean)

A pinch of salt

Ingredients for Christmas Fluff

70 g of tomteskum (or any raspberry/strawberry flavored candy with a soft consistency)

3 dl cream


Here’s what you do:


First, you whip sugar and eggs until they get super fluffy. After that, you mix together the dry ingredients in a separate bowl. Melt the butter.

swedish brownie

Mix it all together and put it in a baking pan.

With the oven on 175 degrees Celsius, bake the cake for just about 17 minutes. Then, let it cool off for a solid two hours.


christmas fluff

Create the Christmas fluff by heating cream and melting the candy in it. Don’t let it boil!! So important it demands a few more exclamation marks: !!!

Let it cool.

swedish brownie with christmas fluff

Just before serving it, whip the Christmas fluff and pipe it onto the cake. We chose to add some more of the candy on top of the cake because… It looks awesome? Or like a child made it… I don’t know… The original recipe was so good looking – what happened??


Serve and enjoy!

Now, back to the festivities.

Swim cool, Internet.

Coffee And Type 1 Diabetes

Hello, Internet!

How are you doing, Internet? Having a good start off the week?

I’ve been trying to pimp my coffee lately. You know, not making it the one and only plane, simple coffee that I always have.

Don’t get me wrong. I love my coffee simple. Nothing more than the actual brew – it’s good. No. It’s more than good. It’s freaking perfect.

But… I’d like to make something more out of my regular coffee (which, as you know, are usually no less than three in the morning and four in the afternoon).


So, the last few days I’ve been creating an amateur cappuccino.

“What does this mean?” you ask, of course.

It means a cappuccino that isn’t at all a professional cappuccino but is tasty.

Here’s how I do it:

  • I skim milk with my little skimming-unit.
  • I let the coffee machine make some of its delicious coffee. Pouring it into the mug.
  • Then, I sprinkle it with cinnamon. Aaaand done!

It’s so good!


Obviously, the best coffees are those done by an actual barista – at least that’s what I think. But it’s a truly great alternative!

Speaking of something completely different: This week is turning into a work/study/writing-monster. Yes, all of them. Don’t get me wrong, I love my work! And I love my writing. And I love to learn a new language (or in my current case: two). But it’s a lot this week.

I’m really looking forward to Friday because Friday is my one year anniversary of type 1 diabetes.

I’m going to celebrate it with champagne and croustades. Big time!

But I guess, it’s more of a celebration of me surviving and less of the actual diagnosis. I’m so damn lucky to be alive. It’s crazy. So damn lucky to be alive.

Anyway, I hope your coffee today is brilliant!

Talk to you tomorrow.

Swim cool.

A Healthy (*cough*) Kale Dinner

Hello, Internet!

How are you doing today?

We’re literally this close to the weekend. Push, push, push!

You can do it!

Work through it!

Because I’m in such a rush this evening, and because I have absolutely no forward planning (actually I think the latter might be the bigger reason why), I’m now going to share with you a picture of my extremely interesting dinner:


It’s a lovely combination of white cabbage, kale, and Crème Fraiche. I also added some chili because I felt like a culinary master while sprinkling it into the pan and whilst garnishing the Crème Fraiche, which otherwise is, you know, pretty blend. I feel like I hardly use any full stops at all in this post.

Mmmmm yummy!

I did, however, also add one of the most expensive olive oils we’ve ever owned. I feel like that’s somehow a crime. We’re really aiming both high and low in my culinary experience here.

Seriously though, it’s not that bad but I do hope your dinner was slightly better than mine.

I’m also going strong with an entire 2 L full bottle of coca cola zero next to me. So classy today, so classy.

I’m jokingly going to add the hashtag “fitness” and possibly “health” to this post because I feel this sort of a-life-in-crisis-dinner is exactly what internet needs right now.

So sorry for the hastily, crazy, unorganized writing you had to experience. I’m gonna run off now.

Don’t forget:

Swim cool.

A Fancier Fish ‘n’ Chips

Hello, Internet!

How are you today? Sunday, whoop!

I’ve been spending my Sunday in my PJs. Oh yes, all day long. As expected it hasn’t been a productive day at all, but hey, it’s Sunday.

Because it’s almost six o’clock, I thought I might change my PJs into actual clothes. But then I realized that it meant I had to actually make the effort to get up and change my clothes, so I’ve decided that I won’t change them after all.

I’ve been munching on sorbet, scanned through some books, reading blogs, and been drinking coffee.

Mmm, a good day.

Speaking of good. Look at me following a recipe like it was a matter of life and death, look how nothing is (seriously) burnt! Watch this:


Sunday Dinner.jpg

Fish and chips.jpg

Wuuuuuuut!? Yes, I’m surprised as well.

Some days you have to make the dinner a bit fancier, you know? And why not something as tasty as fish and chips? The heart and core of any kitchen.

It’s completely lactose-free, wheat free, gluten free, and dairy free if I’m not mistaken. For the curious reader: the breading is made out of a mixture of millet, lemon zest, parsley, and seasoning. Worked like a charm!

And tomatoes done like that in the oven are the best. If you haven’t tried to – please do. I love to let the branch-thingy stay onto them because I imagine they’ll become richer in taste when done as such. (I wouldn’t trust my word on this though, my imagination is incredible.)

Swim cool.




4 Favorite Halloween Recipes To Make This Year’s Halloween The Best!

Hello Internet! 👋

collage grey 1.pngcollage gey 4.png

How are you this Friday? Good I hope.

It’s almost Halloween!! A little bit ahead of time, I know… But I’m so excited! Bring out the spider webs, the pumpkins, and all creativity possible! E X C I T E D

Anyho, I’ve found the most amazing recipes ever for making this years Halloween better than any other! I haven’t tried them out myself yet (unfortunately) but in my daydreams it all goes well and they both taste and smell amazing!

Sometimes I feel like the daydream-cookies are so much better than the ones in reality could ever be that I don’t even try to make them… Sad, but true.



First up: these crazy graveyard cupcakes. How. Good. Do. They. Look?! I mean, come on. I know that they’re looking like they have a realistic pile of dirt on them but can’t you imagine how good they’ll taste? I’m going to try them out asap.

Find the recipe for them here.



Next up are the chocolate monster cookies. Aaaaaaw! I can’t decide whether they’re super cute or super weird. Either way, I love them. They seem to be an advanced version of Maryland cookies, you know? Like… Gooey in a good kind of way (isn’t it always in a good way when it comes to cookies??). The crooked teeth, my god ❤️

Learn how to make them here.



Up next… *drumroll* are cake pops! The entire blog is written in Spanish, and I don’t know Spanish, but the cake pops this blogger makes are so amazing that I simply need to share it anyway – if only for the pretty pictures. Check them all out here.



Lastly we have these adorable mummy truffles. Awesomeness. I totally wish I had been the one to come up with this super creative way of making truffles. I’ll definitely make them when we have people over for dinner sometime!

Here’s how you can make them and many, many more wonderful halloween truffles in different monster shapes.

Have a great Friday and I’ll talk to you on Sunday!

Hopefully I’ll have a video up then too 😄