A Healthy (*cough*) Kale Dinner

Hello, Internet!

How are you doing today?

We’re literally this close to the weekend. Push, push, push!

You can do it!

Work through it!

Because I’m in such a rush this evening, and because I have absolutely no forward planning (actually I think the latter might be the bigger reason why), I’m now going to share with you a picture of my extremely interesting dinner:


It’s a lovely combination of white cabbage, kale, and Crème Fraiche. I also added some chili because I felt like a culinary master while sprinkling it into the pan and whilst garnishing the Crème Fraiche, which otherwise is, you know, pretty blend. I feel like I hardly use any full stops at all in this post.

Mmmmm yummy!

I did, however, also add one of the most expensive olive oils we’ve ever owned. I feel like that’s somehow a crime. We’re really aiming both high and low in my culinary experience here.

Seriously though, it’s not that bad but I do hope your dinner was slightly better than mine.

I’m also going strong with an entire 2 L full bottle of coca cola zero next to me. So classy today, so classy.

I’m jokingly going to add the hashtag “fitness” and possibly “health” to this post because I feel this sort of a-life-in-crisis-dinner is exactly what internet needs right now.

So sorry for the hastily, crazy, unorganized writing you had to experience. I’m gonna run off now.

Don’t forget:

Swim cool.